Clarion VN678HD
In order to update your GPS device: Clarion VN678HD with the latest update, follow next instructions.
First of all, be sure you got the update file for your Clarion VN678HD device, downloaded from
If still haven't got it, you can get it now filling the form you see on this page.
- Extract files from the SpeedcamUpdates zip package. If the file you have downloaded is not a ZIP file means the file is already decompressed, and you can continue with the next step of this installation instructions.
- Copy the extracted files into an USB memory stick in a folder called Clarion. Plug the USB memory stick into your Clarion VN678HD navigation system. Select "Setting / Import Data / Import the Safety Cameras.". Then click OK to copy the files.
For your information
Remember. SD memory card and USB memory stick have to be less than 1 Gb size
Remember. SD memory card and USB memory stick have to be less than 1 Gb size
Evan Morel - 2025-02-15
The only service for my car GPS device.
Pauline Lemoine - 2025-02-14
Thanks for the support. Great service.
Arthur Richard - 2025-02-12
Amazing control panel to manage my databases and subscriptions